What We Do
Our Apostolate
The most important aspect of our apostolic life in the local Church is the resounding witness of our consecrated presence. Yet, our consecration itself implies a mission, and we carry this out through apostolic works in the diocese and parish.

“The New Evangelization...will be effective if it proclaims from the rooftops what it has first lived in intimacy with the Lord.”
Pope Saint John Paul II
The center of our missionary activity is the parish, where we serve as spiritual mothers in order to help it to be a true family of faith. We serve each parish according to its particular needs; primarily in its catechetical, liturgical, and familial life.
As diocesan sisters, we support the Bishops and their priests through our prayers and service, and encourage them in their fatherly care of the Church.
Our sisters enter into the existing structures of parish and diocesan life, which includes the local Catholic schools. Our work in the schools provides an opportunity to form deep relationships with the families of the parish and to support them as they seek a life in Christ.
“What counts most is not what religious do, but who they are as persons consecrated to the Lord.”
Pope Saint John Paul II
4:50 am Rise
5:20 am Office of Readings
5:30 am Holy Hour with Morning Prayer
6:30 am Rosary Walk
7:00 am Holy Mass
7:45 am Breakfast
8:30 am Apostolate/Study/Chores/Class
12:00 pm Midday break
1:30 pm Spiritual reading
1:45 pm Apostolate/Study/Chores/Class
4:00 pm Spiritual Reading
4:15 pm Holy Hour with Evening Prayer
5:15 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Recreation/Apostolate
8:30 pm Night Prayer
9:00 pm Grand Silence

“The first and foremost duty of all religious is to be
the contemplation of divine things and assiduous union
to God in prayer.”
Canon Law 663
Where We Live
Learn about our different locations.